
News Hotspots


Thanksgive Day







活动一开始,外方校长Dr. Steven DiMattei为大家带来了一段简短讲话,祝大家感恩节快乐。




“I would like to utilize this moment to thank all our teachers who prepared us for the world outside. Our teachers have been an epitome of strength and a great pillar of support to all of us. Our teachers are wonderful human beings because they have accepted all of us with all the weaknesses and have worked upon us to overcome those weaknesses.

Also I would like to thank my family, especially by mom. If you are someone who knows me really well, you may know that I have very bad temper. Although I often  “throw” my temper towards my mom, she always supports me unconditionally. My mother is the one I can completely depend on and trust. My mother has always been supportive. She is the one who gets worried whenever I fall ill and spends sleepless nights sitting beside me. She is the one who faces all the problems bravely and does not let us encounter those. She seems endowed with all the power , I love her so much.”




"As Emerson said “Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” At this moment, to whom should we express our gratitude?

Say thank you to your parents who created you and have endured the hardship of raising and educating you. They could have done many others things with the amount of time and money spent on you. However, they chose to cultivate you into a person with a unique personality and independent thinking. Your future success would be the best reward for their relentless effort.

Say thank you to teachers who teach us more than textbook knowledge, knowledge is available everywhere today, but it’s uneasy to find a teacher who thoroughly understands it. The most valuable merit of teachers is their ability to convey knowledge while guiding you to your own thinking. What we can’t learn from online studying is the interesting experience of our teachers. Where have they been, what have they done. They give us advice about life at our most crucial time.

Say thank you to your friends who study and live with you. They are the ones you can always trust and share your trouble with. When you are facing difficulties, friends are always there to overcome them with you. Cherish those who risk their interest in helping you and keep away from those who betrays his friends so that he could stay safe and intact.

In the end, say thank you to the unnoticed in our life, the janitors who give us a clean and well-maintained school, gardeners who created a green environment for us, and the securities who might guard our school. I genuinely appreciate their effort. Thank you for your listening and enjoy your meal."







“Like today, Thanksgiving, so what is Thanksgiving? It’s a day for people to appreciate others and dedicate, obviously. It could also be a duty and true, sincere feeling which comes from your heart. 

Parents gave birth to you; therefore, you could stare at the first beam of sunlight in this world; your homeslice energize and cheer you up when you fail or fall in to the deepest part of the valley. Because of our warm heart and genuineness, it’s like an invisible force which pull people together. Our world become peaceful and united on account of this invisible force.

Like others, I’d like to offer my gratitude to people who raise me up like my parents: My parents brought me here in order to fulfill my dream to going abroad. Likewise, my classmates and friends. Reagan, he is a guy could lead you out all the time when you get in to bad situations; Martin, always involved into trouble, but treat friends genuinely; Sergio, a guy always lose temper but always support you when you are in trouble. 

Tonight, is Thanksgiving, please cherish the people who helped you and dedicate more. Enjoy the dinner! ”

"就像今天,感恩节,那么什么是感恩节呢? 显然,这是一个让人们感谢和奉献的日子。 它也可以是一种责任,一种发自内心的真实、真诚的感情。 父母给予了你生命; 因此,你可以凝视世界上第一缕阳光; 当你失败或跌入山谷的最深处时,你的伙计们会激励你,让你振作起来。 因为我们温暖的心与真诚,它就像一种无形的力量,把人们团结在一起。 由于这种无形的力量,我们的世界变得和平而团结。

和其他人一样,我要感谢像我父母这样抚养我长大成人的人。我的父母带我来这里实现我留学的梦想。 同样,我的同学和朋友。当你陷入困境时,Reagan他总是能带领你走出困境;马丁总是被卷入事端,但对待朋友却是真诚的; Sergio,一个总是会情绪失控的人,但总是在你有困难的时候支持你。

今晚是感恩节,请珍惜曾经帮助过你的人,多多帮助他人。享受晚餐!  "



出身于美国贫民窟的NBA超级巨星Demar Derozan说过:当我一筹莫展的时候,我去看一个石匠敲石头。他一连敲了100次,石头仍然纹丝不动。但当他敲第101次的时候,石头裂为两半。可我知道,我要感谢的不是这最后一击,而是上帝给我敲击前一百次的机会。在学习生活中,当别人抱怨的时候,我们也要对自己经历过的一切心存感恩。

在这里,我要引用电影真爱至上中的一句台词:You’ve got nothing to lose, and you will regret it if you don’t。希望大家可以抓住今晚的时光,享受今晚的时光,勇敢地向帮助过自己和对自己重要的人表达感谢,在感恩节这天,不要为自己留下遗憾。谢谢大家!”





